Weekly schedule

 Hi, everyone! 

In today's blog, I bring you my weekly schedule. 💬

On Mondays, I usually do my homework after university classes. Then, I like to relax watching a series or movies because that day I have a little homework.  After that, I clean my bedroom (for example, sweeping the floor). And finally, I have English classes at ICPNA. 

On Tuesdays, I like to start the afternoon doing exercise for about 1 hour. In addition, I clean my bathroom. Next, I get some rest and go to sleep. And at night I have English classes again.

On Wednesdays, I also do exercise. Besides, I watch a documentary on Netflix. Then I sleep for 2 hours and after that, I do my homework. And as you know, I have English classes at night.

On Thursdays, I go to play volleyball with some university friends. Then I do exercise watching YouTube videos. That day, I like to buy a chocolate cake at my friend's bakery because it makes me feel relaxed. At night I have English classes via zoom. 

On Fridays, after finishing classes, I take a bath and go eating lunch with my family at my restaurant. Then, I go for a walk with my friend Cecilia that lives in the next block. After about an hour, I go home to do homework. And in the evening I have my last English class of the week. 

On Saturdays, I wake up early to go running at the 28 square. When I and my friends finished, we go for breakfast near there. Then, I go home for taking a shower and sleep. In the afternoon, I go out with my friends.

On Sundays, I don't really do many things. It's a lazy day. I just wake up late in the morning and have breakfast with my family. Next, at 3:00 p.m. we have a tasty lunch. And to finish my day, I'm used to checking if I do all my homework for Monday while I listen to some Ariana Grande's songs. 


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